When Does Best Buy Restock?

3 years ago
4 mins 48 secs

If you want to be the first to grab the latest electronics at Best Buy, it’s important to know when does Best Buy restock. Best Buy is a popular retail store that sells everything from PCs, phones, and other accessories.

As of 2023, Best Buy restocks most electronics such as PCs and phones every one to two weeks. This usually occurs every Tuesday. For high-demand items that are in limited supply, such as gaming consoles, they announce the drop dates before restocking their shelves. But when Best Buy restocks depends on the location and demand of the item.

Best Buy has been the place to go if you’re looking for new techs such as PCs, video games, cell phones, and more. As a result, they sell out of many of these items out fast before you can even purchase them.

So, if you want to buy some of their popular items, you should know when Best Buy restocks. This article will go over it. We’ll also look at how often they restock specific items. Continue reading to learn more about Best Buy’s restocking schedule.

When Does Best Buy Restock in 2023?

The restocking times will differ based on the item’s demand and the location of the Best Buy store. Best Buy staff will restock the most in-demand items first. They will then go through the shelves to check what items need to be restocked.

This is usually the case because some items are in short supply. Plus, sometimes Best Buy tries to sell some items in specific markets.

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Best Buy restocks them every two weeks on Tuesday if you’re looking for electronics, particularly PCs. There are some instances where Best Buy will also restock on Thursday. If you’re looking for specific PCs, you can phone ahead to find out when they will be restocked. This way, you won’t be left out.

While for items like GPUs, Best Buy has no fixed restocking schedule. Instead, they are likely to restock every one to two weeks on Tuesdays. Restocking beginnings just before the store usually reopens at 7:00 a.m. 

One of the most popular items on Best Buy is the PS5 and Pokémon cards. Best Buy restocks PS5 and Pokémon cards by announcing a release date first on the website. This is because there is a tremendous demand and limited stock. Because of this, Best Buy holds off until Sony releases the product. Only then will Best Buy announce the restocking date and restock the item.

Be sure to provide the correct SKU number of the product you want and accurate product descriptions. Usually, you will get the most accurate answers if you call Best Buy. Plus, you can visit their website to see what items are in stock. Just ensure that you select the Best Buy in your area to get the most up-to-date inventory information.

When Will Best Buy Restock Online?

Best Buy restocks both its online and physical locations at the same time. That means they will restock online inventory on Tuesday biweekly. So, if they post an item as sold out on the website, you can check on Tuesday morning to see whether it’s still available.

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It also restocks certain goods at various times. Graphic cards, for example, are restocked every Tuesday between 9:00 and 11:30 EST. If you want an RTX 3060 Ti, for example, check online for availability or wait for the release date.

Graphic cards are becoming increasingly difficult to get nowadays. The rise of Bitcoin mining has made it more difficult for retailers such as Best Buy to restock graphics cards. That’s why online restocking will depend on the availability of the cards in-store.

What’s fantastic about Best Buy’s online stock is that it has a broad selection of items. Best Buy can offer more choices because they ship the items directly from the fulfillment centers.

We recommend you use the website for online purchases instead of the app. That’s because the app typically shows “sold out,” even while the item is in stock at the store.

Not to mention, some items on the Best Buy app may differ from what is actually in the physical store. This is because there is usually a limited supply of some items. Sometimes, Best Buy might test some items in selected markets before making them available everywhere.


Best Buy restocks most of its items, such as laptops and cell phones, every one to two weeks on Tuesday. There are a few times when they will restock on Thursday.

For items like PS5, Best Buy announces a release date before they restock. That’s because they are in high demand and have limited stock. So if you’re in the market for a new PS5, make a note of the date. Thus, you never have to miss out on any items.

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If you want to check that a particular item is in stock, visit the Best Buy website. Find the Best Buy store in your location and check the product’s availability.

You can also stay up to speed with the inventory restocks by logging into your Best Buy account. Alternatively, you can contact the Best Buy store and ask for information regarding the specific item.

This will save you time instead of driving to your local Best Buy and finding out that the product you want is not in stock. But keep in mind that the products listed on the website do not always reflect what is in Best Buy’s physical stores.

They do, however, pride themselves on making sure that most of their items are restocked. So if they notice they sold out of a specific item online or physical store, they will restock it.

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